Quality Time Child Development Center
K - 2 Our Mission
At QT our mission is to provide a learning environment that accepts children exactly where “they” are. We strive to understand what developmental experience inspires and supports each child’s natural learning progression as they grow to their fullest potential.
Being successful in academics is fundamental to any educational mission, including ours. Our role, is not only to support children in their academic journey thru reading, literature, math, science, art and music, but also as a guide to their exploration of themselves and their environment.
We believe there is great value in being able to integrate learning outside the traditional classroom and into the world that children will soon inherit. At QT we supplement and extend our academic classroom with wonderful outdoor experiences. We get outside our building and into our “Classroom Beyond Walls”. This involves exploring the wonder, nature, and history that exists in Santa Barbara. Wherever we go, we’re investigating, experimenting, problem solving, and practicing again and again. Our learners discover their strengths as they expand themselves cognitively, physically, socially, emotionally, creatively, and ethically.
Our ultimate goal is to partner with parents and families as they raise socially responsible, caring and confident children.